Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Tissue Paper Turkeys

Jack's 2 feather turkey. He wasn't so interested in making the feathers as he was in gluing.

Micah, Jack and Hailey with their turkeys. As you can see these are cute with 2, 3 or even 5 feathers.
-fall colored tissue paper
-construction paper (brown, white, black, yellow, red)
-contact paper
-paper plate
-crayons or paint
-glue stick
-duct tape

1. Cut out parts. Feathers, eyes, beak, hangy red thing, feet, turkey head, paper plate in half and tissue paper squares.
2. Unroll some contact paper and peel back the non-stick side. Place feather outlines on sticky side and recover with non-sticky paper. Cut out around feather leaving a decent sized border to be trimmed later.
3. Assemble feathers: Peel backing from contact paper. With sticky side up place tissue paper squares inside the feather outline. Once finished unroll contact paper again. Peel back the sticky side. Place the decorated feather, sticky side up on the backing. Cover with the sticky paper that you had just unrolled. Trim around edge of feather.
4. Assemble turkey: Either color or paint the paper plate. My goal was to have a brown plate, but the kids had other ideas. Glue the face and feet onto the turkey head and glue the turkey head onto the paper plate. Turn plate over and using duct tape, tape the feathers to the back of the plate. I also used little tape rolls between the feathers and the plate to keep them from falling back too far.

Tissue paper crafts like these can be used for a lot of different things. Just cut an outline and fill it in. 

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